Wednesday, December 07, 2011

Review of the crisis in Attawapiskat

Housing Conditions in Attawapiskat

Click here to view this Globe and Mail article

Click here to see another article by the Globe and Mail

The crisis of Attawapiskat has been a dominant story in recent news and part of an enduring problem among the first nations people being treated unfairly by the federal government. This review is not to focus on a particular news article regarding Attawapiskat, but a review of the maltreatment of the situation in general. This is a major problem that has a long history in this country. Attawapiskat is a first nation reserve located in northern Ontario that has had a long history of dispute with Canadian federal governments as they have been treated unfairly, it has been in the news recently as they have declared a state of emergency based on the fact that they are having an economic and housing disaster.

These particular articles engage in the dispute with the conservative party and the lack of economic support on their behalf, although they state otherwise. This is not just a lack of effort of the conservative
party however. It is only one example of a long history of the government’s lack of concern and care for its aboriginal people and is to be blamed on Canada as a whole. First Nation people all over the country were stripped of almost all their land over the years and have been put in a situation in which they have no resources to maintain stability and it is a perfect example of the presence of a continuing white postcolonial power. To further postcolonial efforts to maintain dominance over other races, the federal government sent a third party to reform finances in the location. This illustrates outright racism and a lack of trust because the government is saying that they have given them money and just don’t believe they are using it correctly. This is incredibly rude and is an example of the maltreatment of Canadian First Nations people by the white power structure, rather than helping out a race almost destroyed by this country we blame them and simply allow them to continue living in horrible conditions.

Canada continues their pursuit along with the United States in establishing colonial power in countries over seas, spending billions of dollars to spread the white way of living. While we attempt to “help” other countries the First Nations people of our own country suffers and we refuse to help out. When disaster has struck anywhere in Canada the federal government was there immediately to help out and save people, so long as those people were white. The fact that it took around a month for politicians to even begin talking about the disaster in Attawapiskat clearly indicates the racist foundation of this country. How could it take so long? When white peoples power goes out the problem is resolved in days if not hours but aboriginals that have no power, heat, housing and so on have yet to be helped after a month? Red Cross has begun to deliver some supplies but that is hardly a resolution.

This situation is now being viewed as a political debate between the conservative and the opposing NDP parties while there should be no debate at all. The people of Attawapiskat and other First Nations need the help of the government because upon colonizing their land and destroying the majority of their people we gave them no other choice. I think that this is a clear illustration of systemic racial liberalism in which North America has been built on and it cannot be fixed without reformation.

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